May 21st 2016, Community members were asked to come and participate in the creation of the Life Lines Community Mural during Art-A-Whirl in N.E. Minneapolis. Characteristics of the lines were curvy, straight, sharp, zig zagged, fluid, etc. The lines created were short or as long as they wanted to be. They traveled from one side of the canvas to the other while others stayed comfortable and contained in one area. The lines were many different colors. Some lines were planned while others were spontaneous. Some lines created their own paths while others followed the direction of a previous line drawn. Lines were layered on top of or behind other lines. In the end, the Life Lines Community Mural was a document of the day it was created and the community that helped to paint it. It was a multi-layered and multi-colored collection of marks. The piece as a whole was a beautiful representation of the layers of diversity a community is built upon. It is a reminder that in the act of community we can find a common thread.